Tree Trimming Blount County

Tree Trimming Sevierville, Tn

Living in Sevierville, TN comes with many benefits, not least of which is the abundance of trees that dot the landscape. Trees can be beautiful and provide a great source of shade during hot summer days. However, they also come with certain risks if left unchecked. One risk is having limbs from nearby trees become too close to your home or property. This can cause damage and create hazardous conditions for you and your family. That’s why it’s important to regularly trim tree limbs that are close to your home in Sevierville, TN – so you can maintain a safe environment while still enjoying the beauty of nature around you!  Treecology LLC can help you with tree trimming in Sevierville, Tn.


Here are some reasons Tree Trimming in Sevierville, Tn may be necessary:


High Winds

High winds can cause tree branches to become unstable and potentially break off, leading to damage around your home. This is especially true for trees that are close to your property or have limbs that extend over them. Therefore, the wind-driven motion of the branches can create dangerous situations where they could fall onto your home or other structures on your property. It’s important to regularly inspect nearby trees for signs of potential danger from high winds. You will also want to trim any branches that may be at risk of causing harm. Taking this proactive approach will help you protect yourself from potential damage caused by falling tree limbs during storms.

Freezing Rain

Freezing rain can be a serious hazard to trees, especially when it accumulates on branches and limbs. As the ice builds up, it adds weight to the tree’s structure. This may cause branches and limbs to break under the strain. This is especially true for older trees or those with weak wood that are already at risk of breaking due to wind gusts or heavy snowfall.

If freezing rain accumulates heavily in your area, you should inspect all nearby trees for signs of strain from the added weight. If you notice any broken or cracked branches, these should be removed immediately before they have an opportunity to fall onto your home or other structures on your property. Taking this proactive approach will help protect yourself and your family from potential damage caused by falling tree limbs during storms with high winds and freezing rain.

Treecology Can Help!

Taking the necessary steps to inspect and trim tree branches is essential in protecting your home or property from potential damage caused by falling limbs. If you live in Sevierville, TN, Treecology can help keep your trees healthy and safe throughout all seasons of the year. We have a team of arborists experienced in dealing with a wide range of issues related to freezing rain accumulation on nearby trees including weakened wood that may be at risk for breaking due to wind gusts or heavy snowfall. Contact us today so we can assess any risks associated with dangerous tree branches near you before they have an opportunity to cause harm during storms with high winds and freezing rain!